Five Perks of Following Your Orthodontist on Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok are all social media apps we find ourselves, and our teens, browsing throughout the day. These social media platforms provide easy access to our friends, family members and even celebrities we follow. These platforms are also a practical way for patients to connect and stay up to date with their […]
Patient Story: Denise Talks About Her Adult Invisalign Experience

One of our wonderful adult orthodontic patients, Denise, recently took the time to talk with us about her Invisalign experience here at Wright Orthodontics. Here is her story in her own words: First and foremost, I’ve always hated my teeth. It’s one of those things that even as a kid when I should have gotten […]
Wright Orthodontics Welcoming Back Patients

Dear Patients and Families, We are happy to welcome you back to the office as we reopened under the guidelines of the ADA (American Dental Association), IDPH (Illinois Department of Public Health), and OSHA. Hygiene and safety have always been a priority at our office and we will be taking additional measures to ensure the […]
First Orthodontic Visit – When Is the Best Time?
There is much more to taking care of your children’s teeth than teaching them how to brush, and taking them to the dentist to fix the occasional cavity. Most parents realize that getting their children to begin flossing, as well as getting their teeth professionally cleaned, are also key elements of modern oral hygiene, but […]
Read This Before Ordering Orthodontic Treatment Online
These days you can do almost anything with the click of a button. Order school supplies. Get a ride across town. Watch your favorite movie. Order food delivery. It seems like every day there’s a newer and easier way to do almost everything. We’ve been programmed to accept that anything can be ordered online and […]
The Facts About the Pain Radiating From Your Tooth
Toothaches are common, but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored. Many people dismiss it as a common smile pain that comes and goes, but they don’t realize that it could be a symptom of a larger problem. To tell you a little more about toothaches in Batavia, Illinois, Dr. Randy Wright has some helpful […]
Welcome to Our New Blog!
Here at Wright Orthodontics, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means of publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics about our industry and area of expertise here on our website […]